Εστιατόριο Μαγειροτεχνείο Παράγκα, Απόλλωνα, Ρόδος

Greek cookhouse Paraga, here where the culinary art meets the authentic rhodian cuisine !

Cookhouse cookery Paraga
Cookhouse cookery Paraga
Cookhouse cookery Paraga

A flavor, a fragrance can make memories of the past. So by learning the techniques and the little secrets of previous generations, our goal is through taste, image and perfume to try to achieve it. We put back on the table old recipes such as grilled meals, meals from the wood-fired oven baked in cakes and breads on bush and myrtle ! We always use pure ingredients and we prefer local products. The food is served in a bowl of utensils, we cooperate with Rhodian ceramists that care for our dinnerware, for good wine we cooperate with the village winemaker and everything is cooked with taste by our gourmet cooks. The decor of our restaurant as you can see is traditional, refers to another old age, dominated by the stone and the wooden constructions from the village's carpenter. In the Greek restaurant "Paraga", we rely on the simplicity and the dynamics of our well selected products !

Cookhouse cookery Paraga
Cookhouse cookery Paraga
Cookhouse cookery Paraga

Visit the restaurant Cookhouse Paraga and taste the authentic Rhodian cuisine in an wonderful place. We are waiting for you to live the experience !

 Restaurant Cookhouse Paraga in Apollona village of Rhodes  Map
Tel. 2246 091247 Mob. 6946287309 Email. info@paraga-apollona.gr Website. www.paraga-apollona.gr
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